Species Index Page
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Glareolidae to Laniidae
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- Coursers and Pratincoles (1 species)
Glareola pratincola (Collared Pratincole)
- Cranes (3 species)
Grus carunculatus (Wattled Crane)
Grus grus (Crane)
Antigone canadensis (Sandhill Crane)
- Oystercatchers (2 species)
Haematopus bachmani (Black Oystercatcher)
Haematopus ostralegus (Oystercatcher)
Hirundinidae -
Swallows and Martins (9 species)
Cecropis daurica (Red-rumped Swallow)
Delichon urbica (House Martin)
Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow)
Hirundo rustica (Swallow)
Progne cryptoleuca (Cuban Martin)
Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Crag Martin)
Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Northern Rough-winged Swallow)
Tachycineta bicolor (Tree Swallow)
Tachycineta thalassina (Violet-green Swallow)
- Orioles, Grackles and Cowbirds (15 species)
Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-winged Blackbird)
Amblycercus holosericeus (Yellow-billed Cacique)
Dives atroviolaceus (Cuban Blackbird)
Euphagus cyanocephalus (Brewer's Blackbird)
Icterus cucullatus (Hooded Oriole)
Icterus gularis (Altamira Oriole)
Icterus prosthemelas (Black-cowled Oriole)
Molothrus aeneus (Bronzed Cowbird)
Molothrus ater (Brown-headed Cowbird)
Molothrus bonariensis (Shiny Cowbird)
Quiscalus quiscula (Common Grackle)
Quiscalus major (Boat-tailed Grackle)
Quiscalus mexicanus (Great-tailed Grackle)
Quiscalus niger (Greater Antillean Grackle)
Sturnella neglecta (Western Meadowlark)
- Jacanas (2 species)
Actophilornis africanus (African Jacana)
Jacana spinosa (Northern Jacana)
- Shrikes (6 species)
Lanius minor (Lesser Grey Shrike)
Lanius collurio (Red-backed Shrike)
Lanius meridionalis (Southern Grey Shrike)
Lanius senator (Woodchat Shrike)
Lanius senator (Woodchat Shrike)
Lanius ludovicianus (Loggerhead Shrike)
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Species Index Page
Birds of the world
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Trip Reports
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Oregon Species Gallery
Washington State Species Gallery
British Nature Guide E-Magazines