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Middlewich 24-25 June 20
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Species name followed by number in trap. Trap out until 4am. Lots of smaller moths escaped. There were several unidentified species and some very worn individuals.
Bee Moth - Aphomia sociella 4
Common Emerald - Hemithea aestivaria
Dot Moth - Melanchra persicariae
Double Square-spot - Xestia triangulum
Lozotaenia forsterana
Marbled Minor - Oligia strigilis 2
Riband Wave - Idaea aversata 4
Uncertain - Hoplodrina alsines 5
Acleris forsskaleana
Anania coronata
The Flame - Axylia putris
Brimstone Moth - Opisthograptis luteolata 5
Buff-tip - Phalera bucephala
Clouded Border - Lomaspilis marginata
Codling Moth - Cydia pomonella
Common Footman - Eilema lurideola
Dark Arches - Apamea monoglypha 3
Elephant Hawk-moth - Deilephila elpenor 3
Fan-foot - Herminia tarsipennalis
Flame Shoulder - Ochropleura plecta
Garden Carpet - Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Grey Dagger - Acronicta psi
Gypsonoma dealbana
Hawthorn Shieldbug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale 5
Heart & Dart - Agrotis exclamationis 4
Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba 4
Leopard Moth - Zeuzera pyrina 2
Light Emerald - Campaea margaritaria
Plain Golden Y - Autographa jota
Common White Wave - Cabera pusaria
Scalloped Oak - Crocallis elinguaria
Red-barred Tortrix - Ditula angustiorana
Short-cloaked Moth - Nola cucullatella
Silver Y - Autographa gamma
Small Magpie - Anania hortulata 2
Tachystola acroxantha 2
Celypha lacunana
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