Species Index Page
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Oregon Species Gallery
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British Nature Guide E-Magazines
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers)
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birds of Britain & Europe
Arenaria melanocephala (Black Turnstone)
Aphriza virgata (Surfbird)
Tringa melanoleuca (Greater Yellowlegs).
Gallinago delicata (Wilson's Snipe)
Limosa fedoa (Marbled Godwit)
Catoptrophorus semipalmatus (Willet)
Numenius americanus (Long-billed Curlew)
Tringa flavipes (Lesser Yellowlegs)
Calidris alba (Sanderling)
Arenaria interpres (Turnstone)
Calidris minutilla (Least Sandpiper)
Numenius phaeopus (Whimbrel)
Limnodromus griseus (Short-billed Dowitcher)
Actitis macularius (Spotted Sandpiper)
Species Index Page
Birds of the world
Wales & Scotland County & Regional Galleries
English County, Site and Trip Galleries
Trip Reports
Foreign Trip Reports and Galleries
Oregon Species Gallery
Washington State Species Gallery
British Nature Guide E-Magazines