Sandbach 2nd/3rd August 2015
2nd/3rd August 2015 Sandbach Cheshire
Species list followed by number in trap. Weather conditions - Warm, clear, dry with only light breeze. Abrostola tripartita (The Spectacle) - 1 Agriphila straminella - 2 Agriphila tristella - 1 Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart) - 4 Agrotis puta (Shuttle-shaped Dart) - 1 Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) - 2 Blastobasis adustella - 4 Bryotropha affinis - 1 Chrysoteuchia culmella - 8 Crambus pascuella - 1 Cryphia domestica (Marbled Beauty) - 6 Cydia splendana - 1 Euproctis similis (Yellow-tail Moth) - 1 Euzophera pinguis - 2 Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House-moth) - 2 Hoplodrina blanda (Rustic) - 2 Idaea aversata (Riband Wave) - 1 Lozotaeniodes formosana - 1 Mesapamea secalis (Common Rustic) - 19 Mesoligia furuncula (Cloaked Minor) - 1 Noctua fimbriata (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing) - 1 Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) - 54 Oegoconia quadripuncta - 3 Paraswammerdamia nebulella - 1 Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) - 1 Phycitodes saxicola - 1 Tachystola acroxantha - 2 Yponomeuta cagnagella (Spindle Ermine) - 3 Other species in Trap
Aphodius rufipes - 2 Callicorixa praeusta - 2 (dead in trap) Forficula auricularia (European Earwig) - 3 Iassus lanio - 1 Nicrophorus investigator (Sexton Beetle) - 1 All released unharmed. |