Species Index Page
Birds of the world
Wales & Scotland County & Regional Galleries
English County, Site and Trip Galleries
Trip Reports
Foreign Trip Reports and Galleries
Oregon Species Gallery
Washington State Species Gallery
British Nature Guide E-Magazines
Yellow Loosestrife
Lysimachia vulgaris
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July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
July/August 2014 England
August 2016 Corsock Dumfries & Galloway
August 2016 Knowetop Lochs Dumfries & Galloway
August 2016 Knowetop Lochs Dumfries & Galloway
Species Index Page
Birds of the world
Wales & Scotland County & Regional Galleries
English County, Site and Trip Galleries
Trip Reports
Foreign Trip Reports and Galleries
Oregon Species Gallery
Washington State Species Gallery
British Nature Guide E-Magazines